ROMSEY Ramblers have cleared a section of the Test Way at Awbridge. 

Over the years, brambles have encroached onto the footpath, forcing walkers to walk ever closer to the edge of a bank.

This has caused the bank to crumble and become quite treacherous, especially during the wetter winter months.

With Hampshire County Council's countryside access team kept extremely busy dealing with fallen trees following the recent storms, they looked to Romsey Ramblers Group for help.

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Over two days in early February, a group of their members, armed with shears, saws, secateurs and brush cutters, got to work. Despite the regular rain showers, the area was successfully cleared ahead of the bird-nesting season. 

The Romsey Ramblers volunteers were greatly assisted by the landowner who made it possible to transport their equipment much closer to the site than would have otherwise been the case. 

A spokesman from the group said: “The work doesn’t stop there. As recently identified in the national press, there has been a significant increase in reports of blocked footpaths over the last few years. Volunteer groups, such as Ramblers, are doing their bit to keep them open for everyone to enjoy. We are already planning our next project to clear the blocked footpath 4 at Bunny Lane in Timsbury.”

For more information about the group, visit