A PARTY of Romsey Abbey Friends recently visited the Raimes family vineyard at Hinton Ampner, where the family have been running the 720-hectare farm for five generations.

Raimes diversified into the vineyard when a French company asked to purchase a field from them to grow vines.

A visit to inspect mature vines on Tuesday, September 12, led by a Raimes guide, gave a comprehensive overview of the care and growing of the grapes and the wine-making industry.  

They are expecting a good harvest this year, with the grapes being managed to allow air and sun to ripen them for harvesting by hand in October.

The Friends visited the tasting barn where they had the opportunity to try two of the Raimes sparkling white wines, made by the same process as Champagne.

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The Friends then visited Hinton Ampner House and estate of the late Ralph Dutton, set in the countryside half a mile from Raimes family vineyard.  

Visits were made to the house and grounds including, the small Saxon Church of All Saints, set within the grounds.

Restoration of the main house had taken place following a fire in the 1960s.

The Friends of Romsey Abbey is a charity set up to support the abbey with a range of projects as well as having a full social events programme for all friends to enjoy while offering their support. 

For more details about the group, visit romseyabbeyfriends.org.