SOUTH Wonston Village Cinema is returning on April 20 with the film Scrapper.

The film is a comedy/drama about a 12-year-old girl who manages to evade the authorities and live alone until her estranged father turns up, when both learn that they have a lot of growing up to do. Two screenings will take place at South Wonston Village Hall – a matinee at 2.30pm and an evening showing 7.30pm. Tickets cost £5 at the door, and tea, coffee and ice-cream will be available for purchase during the interval.

MICHELDEVER CofE School is looking for donations of the following items: flowering plants, seeds (both flower and vegetable), herbs, pots, soil, chicken wire, and corregated plastic sheets.

Anyone wishing to donate said items should bring them to the school office or leave them by the front door.

THE Dever Valley Singers are holding a pair of concerts to celebrate the group’s 40th anniversary.

The concerts will be held at St. Margeret’s Church, South Wonston on Saturday, June 15 at 7.30pm and at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Micheldever on Sunday, June 16 at 6pm. There will be a retiring collection for church funds.

TENNIS coaching will return to the Gratton, Sutton Scotney, from May 28 to May 30 during half term.

There is no charge for the coaching, as it is paid for out of funds generated by the Gratton Trust. Three different classes are available, for children aged 4 to 8, 9 to 11 and from 12 to adult. More information can be found on the Absolute Tennis website.

SOUTH Wonston Sustainability is holding a Give, Swap, Buy event on Monday, May 6 at South Wonston Pavilion.

A range of different table sizes are available for free, and it is up to each individual if they want to sell, give away or swap their items. A seed swap is also be held.

Anyone who would like to book a table or take part in the seed swap is asked to contact in advance.

DEVER History Society is hosting a talk on the history of Winchester Prison.

The talk is taking place at Northbrook Village Hall, Micheldever, on April 30 at 8pm and is being given by Liz Kavanagh, Editor of Winchester Magazine and author of Doing Time, 175 years of Winchester Prison.

Tickets cost £4 and can be purchased at the door.

SCOTS Tots, the Sutton Scotney baby and toddler group, is hosting a lunch club at the Warren Centre, Micheldever Station, on Tuesday, June 4.

Taking place from 11.30am to 12.45pm, families will be invited to bring their own sandwiches and enjoy lunch together. Unlimited hot drinks, fruit and maybe a cake or two will be on offer.

Spaces must be prebooked to cover the cost of the venue hire; they cost £5 per family/childminder. All money raised will go towards another lunch club meeting and the running of Scots Tots.